Thursday, July 5, 2018

The story of the border

Once upon a time there was a planet of shapes and colors.
Of existences and survivals.
Of perpetually traveling, only apparently motionless creatures, in a collective dance between departures and returns.
There were once also peoples in war, trapped in an ancient conflict like the world itself.
Among those who in every age, brick by brick, raise walls to divide, and those who, as the indignation and the conscience become stronger each other, they commit to throw them down.
So, since the dawn of time, the story goes on in its absurd game.
You build a wall, I knock it down, you withdraw it and I take it down again.
Up and down, down and up.
Until it is understood that there is only one way to put an end to this absurdity.
Deleting, once and for all, that crazy line which the first damned stone was placed one day on.
In short, the border

Read also today
Storie and News

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