Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Stories to think: the price of war

I try to give words to pictures*, to return the gift from who share news with passion and history with commitment.

The price of war

The price of war is the coveted silence that becomes paradise between one hell and another...

The price of war is the illusion of a home that becomes a family where means nothing for the rest of the world...
The price of war is to find yourself on the journey remaining motionless as much as before those who would like to see you leave against your will...

The price of war is to remain alone, on that journey, but with the courage to take the rudder remained vacant...

The price of war is to face the devilries of madmen who play with your life from above and continue to not understand their meaning...

The price of war is to live the rest of your days waiting for those who will not come back...

The price of peace, on the other hand, is to ensure that such hopes are not always in vain...

*Photos by Lynsey Addario

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